ODB-II Platforms

ODB-II applications are fully portable between different platforms. ODB-II is currently available on UNIX platforms from Fujitsu, HP, ICL, and Sun. Additional platforms will be added to this range during 1996, in response to market demand. The product is entirely portable. Its software dependencies, other than the operating system, are TCP/IP networking and C or C++ compilers as appropriate. For full functionality the product is also dependent on Motif and X Windows.

A Windows NT version of ODB-II is under development, in both English and Japanese. This will include significant increases in functionality, and further improvements in the internal architecture. These changes will then appear in subsequent releases of ODB-II on UNIX platforms.

When should I use ODB-II?

ODB-II Architecture

Leading Edge Features of ODB-II

ODB-II Product Line

Object Database Query Language

ODB-II Tools

Current Implementations of ODB-II

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